You're Dead, Let's Disco | Pushing the Wave

You're Dead, Let's Disco!

by L.A. Davenport
Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and The City
Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City
Guilty pleasure: I know it’s been a long while since it finished, but Sex and the City remains one of my favourite TV shows.

When season one was first shown in the UK, too long ago to remember and when I was still a sapling in North London, I caught an early episode by chance and was hooked.

So much so, despite SATC being given an 11pm slot on a Friday night, I used to leave the pub before closing time to come home and watch it.

I then avidly followed every series, through all the ups and downs and twists and turns (just don’t talk to me about the films), and must have have rewatched every episode at least three or four times.

The result is that some of the genius quotes that peppered the episodes often pop into my head at opportune moments.

Take yesterday, for example. I was out for a run and was thinking about how I was annoyed about having not being invited to a friend’s drinks that evening that I didn’t even want to go to.

Obviously, this Sex and the City quote instantly came to me:

Stanford: I’ve been rejected by someone I wasn’t interested in. I hate when that happens. (Season 4, Episode 2)


There are so many other brilliant quotes from SATC that I love, of course. Here’s just two of them:

Charlotte: Imagine being blind, not being able to see a beautiful day like today. Can you think of anything worse? Anthony Marantino: Stone washed jeans with a matching jacket. (Season 6, Episode 13).

Charlotte: Those flowers were supposed to say 'We're so sorry, we love you,' not 'You're dead, let's disco!' (Season 4, Episode 8)

And there are many, many more that I can’t remember right now.

So what are your favourite Sex and the City quotes? Why don’t you let me know, with the season and episode number, if you know it, and who said it?

I haven’t watched the show in a while, so maybe you’ll inspire me to start again, from the beginning!
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You're Dead, Let's Disco | Pushing the Wave